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bottom: 2px; content: ""; float: left; height: 3px; left: 0; position: absolute; width: 100%; transition: none; } #menue ul li ul { left: 0px; } #menue ul li.menueebene0 ul, #menue ul li.menueebene0Active ul, #menue ul li.menueebene1 ul, #menue ul li.menueebene1Active ul, #menue ul li.menueebene2 ul, #menue ul li.menueebene2Active ul, #menue ul li.menueebene3 ul, #menue ul li.menueebene3Active ul, #menue ul li.menueebene4 ul, #menue ul li.menueebene4Active ul { background-color: #7389B2; } /* Ebene 2 */ /*######### Nach entsprechendem Child wird das Li umgebrochen (Menü)###########*/ #menue ul#nav ul li:nth-child(4n+5) { clear: left; } #menue ul#nav ul li.clearleft { clear: left; } /*####################Ende##############*/ /* Main Navi - Subnavi */ #mainMenueSub ul li ul li.menueumbruch { clear: both; } #mainMenueSub { background: #e04c19 none repeat scroll 0 0; float: left; left: 0; position: absolute; top: 216px; width: 100%; z-index: 999; } #mainMenueSub ul { float: left; width: 100%; 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border: 1px solid #CFCFCF; padding:5px; text-align:left; } #bbw table tbody tr.alt td { background: #FFFFFF; } #bbw table tbody tr:hover td { background: #f0f0f0; } #bbw img { border:1px solid #ccc; } .vCard { } /*Styles aus Stylesheet Typo3*/ /* default styles for extension "tx_felogin_pi1" */ .tx-felogin-pi1 label { display: block; } /* default styles for extension "tx_cssstyledcontent" */ /* Headers */ .csc-header-alignment-center { text-align: center; } .csc-header-alignment-right { text-align: right; } .csc-header-alignment-left { text-align: left; } .csc-textpic-responsive, .csc-textpic-responsive * { -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } /* Clear floats after ce-textpic and after ce-row */ /* .ce-textpic, .ce-textpic .ce-row, ul.ce-uploads li { overflow: hidden; } */ /* Set padding for tables */ .ce-textpic .ce-gallery table { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; } .ce-textpic .ce-gallery table tr td { padding: 0; vertical-align: top; } /* Settings for figure.removedbymigration and figcaption (HTML5) */ .ce-textpic .ce-gallery figure.removedbymigration, .ce-textpic figure.removedbymigration.ce-gallery { margin: 0; display: table; } /* Captions */ figcaption.image-caption { display: table-caption; } .image-caption { text-align: left; caption-side: bottom; } .image-caption-c .image-caption, .ce-gallery .image-caption-c { text-align: center; } .image-caption-r .image-caption, .ce-gallery .image-caption-r { text-align: right; } .image-caption-l .image-caption, .ce-gallery .image-caption-l { text-align: left; } /* Float the columns */ .ce-textpic .csc-textpic-imagecolumn { float: left; } /* Border just around the image */ .ce-textpic .ce-gallery.ce-border img { border: 2px solid black; padding: 0px 0px; } .ce-textpic .ce-gallery img { border: none; /*display: block;*/ } /* Space below each image (also in-between rows) */ .ce-textpic .ce-gallery .ce-column { margin-bottom: 10px; } .ce-textpic .ce-gallery:not([data-ce-rows="1"]) .ce-row:last-child .ce-column { margin-bottom: 0; } /* colSpace around image columns, except for last column */ .csc-textpic-imagecolumn, td.csc-textpic-imagecolumn .ce-column { margin-right: 10px; } .csc-textpic-imagecolumn.ce-gallery:not([data-ce-columns="1"]) .ce-column:last-child, td.csc-textpic-imagecolumn.ce-gallery:not([data-ce-columns="1"]) .ce-column:last-child { margin-right: 0; } /* Add margin from image-block to text (in case of "Text & Images") */ .ce-textpic.ce-left.ce-intext:not(.ce-nowrap) .ce-gallery, .ce-textpic.ce-left.ce-intext.ce-nowrap .ce-gallery { margin-right: 10px; } .ce-textpic.ce-right.ce-intext:not(.ce-nowrap) .ce-gallery, .ce-textpic.ce-right.ce-intext.ce-nowrap .ce-gallery { margin-left: 10px; } /* Positioning of images: */ /* Center (above or below) */ /* .ce-textpic.ce-center:not(.ce-intext) .ce-gallery, .ce-textpic.ce-center:not(.ce-intext) figure.removedbymigration.ce-gallery { overflow: hidden; } .ce-textpic.ce-center:not(.ce-intext).ce-center:not(.ce-intext)-outer { position: relative; float: right; right: 50%; } .ce-textpic.ce-center:not(.ce-intext).ce-center:not(.ce-intext)-inner { position: relative; float: right; right: -50%; } */ /* Right (above or below) */ .ce-textpic.ce-right:not(.ce-intext) .ce-gallery { float: right; } .ce-textpic.ce-right:not(.ce-intext) .ce-bodytext { clear: right; } /* Left (above or below) */ .ce-textpic.ce-left:not(.ce-intext) .ce-gallery { float: left; } .ce-textpic.ce-left:not(.ce-intext) .ce-bodytext { clear: left; } /* Left (in text) */ .ce-textpic.ce-left.ce-intext:not(.ce-nowrap) .ce-gallery { float: left; } /* Right (in text) */ .ce-textpic.ce-right.ce-intext:not(.ce-nowrap) .ce-gallery { float: right; } /* Right (in text, no wrap around) */ .ce-textpic.ce-right.ce-intext.ce-nowrap .ce-gallery { float: right; } /* Left (in text, no wrap around) */ .ce-textpic.ce-left.ce-intext.ce-nowrap .ce-gallery { float: left; } /* Browser fixes: */ /* Fix for unordered and ordered list with image "In text, left" */ .ce-textpic.ce-left.ce-intext:not(.ce-nowrap) ol, .ce-textpic.ce-left.ce-intext:not(.ce-nowrap) ul { padding-left: 40px; overflow: auto; } /* File Links */ ul.ce-uploads { padding: 0; } ul.ce-uploads li { list-style: none outside none; margin: 1em 0; } ul.ce-uploads img { float: left; margin-right: 1em; vertical-align: top; } ul.ce-uploads span { display: block; } ul.ce-uploads span.ce-uploads-fileName { text-decoration: underline; } /* Table background colors: */ table.contenttable-color-1 { background-color: #EDEBF1; } table.contenttable-color-2 { background-color: #F5FFAA; } table.contenttable-color-240 { background-color: black; } table.contenttable-color-241 { background-color: white; } table.contenttable-color-242 { background-color: #333333; } table.contenttable-color-243 { background-color: gray; } table.contenttable-color-244 { background-color: silver; }